Wednesday 12 June 2024

Spellcheck: fallible lifesaver

Spellcheck is an amazing feature. It makes sure that our fingers aren't typing too far ahead of our brains and catches the errors that we make all the time. It makes suggestions about what we can improve and helps us avoid silly errors like confusing its and it's.

However, spellcheck is not perfect.

It won't notice that you've spelled public pubic. It will automatically correct irregularly spelled names that are a little too close to a common one, like Iriana instead of Irina. It will kill double negatives when they are what you need to give your sentence the extra emphasis it lacks.

Spellcheck is great, but it does not replace a good old fashion slow read of your text to make sure you've gotten all the details right. Use it to make sure that you’re not making silly typos and errors, but don't use it as your final means of editing.

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