Tuesday 19 March 2024

The extent of description

There are so many things to describe when you are creating a world.

Clothes. Weather. People. Landscape. And so much more.

So, how much of this do you have to describe? Do you have to imagine that your readers have never seen these things before or can you rely on current trends to give your audience a base?

It all depends.

How different is your world from the one we live in? How many of the elements are trends that might not still be around a few years from now? How much do these things matter to your story? How old and international is your audience?

There is no one answer to how many details will be required in your story. Only you can make that decision. Give it your best shot based on what you think makes your story sing and then get a few readers to tell you if they understand what's happening or if they're lost. Eventually, you'll find the right formula for you.

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