Wednesday 24 April 2024

Are you finish line ready?

One week.

There is one week left to the current Camp NaNoWriMo. Whether you are cruising to your goal or hit a road bump early in the month, you still have time to make this month a success.

Unlike the November edition of NaNoWriMo, you can set any goal you want during the camp months.

So, swallow your pride, and modify your goal if you have to.

Write one really good short story that you can submit for a contest. Complete a strong outline that will help you succeed the next time you try. Review a previous piece that you've been procrastinating on and are finally ready to give another shot.

The month might be over, but that doesn't mean that your chances of succeeding have to be as well.

Take a look at where you are. Figure out where you can be by the end of the month. And then get to work!

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