Thursday 22 August 2024

Olympics and other topics that always come around

It's good to write about topical content. People look for movies and books and articles about the things that are on their minds.

However, if something suddenly springs to your mind because it's in the news, it's probably too late for you to jump on the bandwagon. By the time you write, edit, and publish a book on this subject, it will probably no longer be current.

That doesn't mean you're out of luck, however.

Really good books will find their audiences even when their subjects are out of date.

And, more importantly, topics always come back around.

The Olympics happen every two years. Holidays are annual. World events are celebrated every milestone anniversary.

Like everything else in the writing industry, timing is crucial, as is patience. Write the best you can, and then find the timing that is right for your work.

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